Резултати от търсене за Regular

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Contact Us 6.6.2024 г. ... if you wish to come to the UNWE for regular studies and have questions about our bachelor’s or master’s degree programmes, entry requirements, tuition fees, etc. Email: [email protected] International PhD Students Contact us if you have questions about ...
Master’s Degree 6.6.2024 г. ...     Master’s Degree Specialities Taught in English Accounting, Financial Control and Finance with preaching taught in English – акредитирана от Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (8 изпита) и ...
CULTure Lab 3.10.2023 г. ... Policies for Sustainable Development organizes regular roundtables and seminars dedicated to Bulgarian and international cultural policies in the fields of cinema, music, media, etc. The events organized since the establishment of the UNESCO Chair are as follows: 09.03.2023: SEVENTH ...
Технически изисквания 30.11.2022 г. ... , Times New Roman - Size 11 pt, Font style: Regular, Alignment: Centered Резюме (Abstract) на български и английски език – в обем до 100 думи през един празен ред под името на автора(ите): Тimes New Roman - Size 11 pt., Italic, Ключови думи на български и английски език - до 5 думи, ...
“Enhancing Research Culture in Higher Education in Kosova (ResearchCult)” 19.10.2021 г. ... Facilitating regular access to research publication and establishing an online open-access platform/database for accumulating research knowledge; •             Increasing research publication ...
University of National and World Economy, Bulgaria 17.4.2019 г. ... Informatics and Statistics, and Law. In regular and distance learning it provides training in 39 undergraduate programs and 40 graduate programs. It was the first Bulgarian university to introduce systematic entrepreneurship training in Bulgaria 15 years ago. Four institutes at UNWE ...
Talent Co-Creation Labs 16.4.2019 г. ... and delivery of training activities - regular consultation between the Labs’ staff and external stakeholders on needed skills and potential updates and additions to the regular university curriculum - maintaining contacts with employers in view of organizing internships and ...
Квалификационна характеристика на специалност "Социология" 22.12.2018 г. ... на обучение Form of Study Редовна Regular Продължителност на обучението Duration of Study 4 години (8 семестъра), 2670 ч. 4 years (8 semesters), 2670 h. Форма на завършване Tape of Final Exam Държавен ...
Специалност "Икономика на транспорта и енергетиката" ОКС "Бакалавър" 10.6.2016 г. ... of Study   РЕДОВНА/REGULAR Продължителност на обучението/ Study Duration   4 години (8 семестъра)/ 4 years (8 semesters) Валиден от/Valid from   2016/2017   София, 2015 г. Квалификационната ...


3 results found
UK’s TympaHealth sounds out $23M to expand its hearing diagnostics startup 5.5.2023 г. ... patients who were not getting regular check-ups for their hearing, and were missing out on getting issues like hearing loss, or even just excessive wax build up, identified and addressed in a timely way. Ramdoo was working in the U.K.’s National Health ...
ResearchCult Project Erasmus + Programme, European Commission 21.1.2022 г. ... Facilitating regular access to research publication and establishing an online open-access platform/database for accumulating research knowledge; •             Increasing research ...
Майсторски клас на професор от Тракийския университет в Одрин 23.5.2019 г. ... Laundering Control. She is a regular speaker at International Economic Crime Symposium in Jesus College, Cambridge University. She is a member in the editorial board Social Responsibility Journal, Journal of Financial Crime, International Journal of Law and ...


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