Резултати от търсене за ERASMUS programme

Университетски подсайтове


9 results found
Walk around the UNWE 11.7.2024 г. ...   Walk around the UNWE Virtual Walk around the UNWE Double Degree Programmes International Students Erasmus+ Programme ENGAGE.EU SDSN University ...
Dual Master’s programme in International Business taught in English (UNWE - University of International Studies of Rome) 4.6.2024 г. ... INFORMATION Speciality Dual Master’s programme in International Business taught in English (UNWE - University of International Studies of Rome) Professional Field Economics EQD /Educational Qualification ...
ПРОЕКТ DEMINA „ИНОВАЦИИ И ПРОДЪЛЖАВАЩО ОБУЧЕНИЕ И ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ В УПРАВЛЕНИЕТО НА ДЕСТИНАЦИЯТА“ 18.10.2021 г. ... проекта Проектът „Иновации и допълнително образование в управлението на дестинации“ (DEMINA) e планиран да запълни настоящите пропуски в образователните материали и методологии за управление на дестинациите и стратегическо развитие на ...
Application call in the testing phase of "Digital Humanist" Erasmus+ Programme in the Field of Higher Education Key Action 2 -Strategic Partnerships Agreement n. 2017-1-IT02-KA203-036707 22.12.2020 г. ... Project Overview The “Digital Humanist” project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union aims to realise, pilot, disseminate and systematise a new University-based learning program focused on digital and entrepreneurial skills useful ...
About the project 17.4.2019 г. ... INNOTAL project (Integrating Talent Development into Innovation Ecosystems in Higher Education) is implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Action - Capacity Building in Higher Education. The duration of the project is 36 months, starting in November 2017 and ending in October 2020. The ...
INNOTAL 7.3.2019 г. ... Integrating Talent Development into Innovation Ecosystems in Higher Education – INNOTAL A project aimed at improving graduates’ employability through university innovation support structures This project is implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Action - Capacity ...
About the project 21.1.2019 г. ... INNOTAL project (Integrating Talent Development into Innovation Ecosystems in Higher Education) is implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, Action - Capacity Building in Higher Education. The duration of the project is 36 months, starting in November 2017 and ending in October 2020. The ...
- 20.3.2024 г. ... Master’s programme in International Business taught in English   UNWE and University of International Studies of Rome UNINT      The Dual Master’s programme in International Business taught in English between ...
Двустранни споразумения по програма Еразъм+ / Erasmus+ Inter-Institutional Agreements 13.10.2023 г. ... на университетите, с които УНСС има сключени двустранни споразумения по програма Еразъм+  УНИВЕРСИТЕТ / UNIVERSITY (ЕРАЗЪМ код)   АВСТРИЯ / AUSTRIA        University of Vienna (A WIEN01) University of Economics and Business Wien (A WIEN05) University of Applied ...